Bryson was crying to get of the stroller because he wanted more than anything to get in the fire truck, as soon as we put him in it, you can see what happened, the cheesy smile emerged. He would of sat there all day probably if we let him. Now, Christopher, on the other hand, wanted so badly to get in the fire truck and as soon as we got close he chickened out. He wouldn't even talk to the fire fighter and he was going to let him get in the very front and he still wouldn't get in.
My boys posing in front of the truck, Christopher is kind of hiding, I don't know what was wrong with him that day.
Once we got into the mall they had more tables set up with neat stuff on each one. At this table, the paint and play store allowed each child to pick a small ceramic figurine to paint, I thought it was awesome and Christopher loves to paint, so he picked a fire fighters hat. He painted it red. I am going to put a magnet on the back and put it on the fridge. It is really cute.
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