Well, where do I start!? Our van decided to start giving us problems about a month ago with the check engine light coming on so immediately we went to Advanced Auto to get a test ran on it and it said that the EGR Flow Valve was bad or dirty or who knows what, so that was the first of our troubles, then our vans inspection sticker runs out in July so Randy and I decided to take it to get inspected and the guy calls me from the place to tell me that the rear brake drums are leaking fluid and that won't pass inspection and also that the rack and pinion are starting to leak but that would pass. So, we got the van inspected and the fuel system cleaned and the rear brake drums fixed from leaking to the tune of $363 and some change. My dad was wonderful and took us over there to pick it up when it was finished and as soon as we pulled out on to Hull St. the check engine light came back on and it started sputtering again, so the $60 we paid to get the fuel system cleaned didn't work one stinkin' bit. We should of just drove down Hull St. which is a street we frequent quite a bit and let 60 one dollar bills blow out the window, that is soooooo the way we felt. So, since paying all this money we didn't have anymore to fix the other problems and were getting really sick of our 2004 van that we have had since Christopher was two weeks old. Then to top it off Randy's new car (not new but new to him) that he got for work has been giving him problems too. We think it is just the battery and he is in the process of getting a new one as I type. So needless to say, we have been really sick of vehicles. Well, come to find it wasn't his battery after all it was his starter so that had to be replaced. And, then yesterday, he blew a tire on 95 going to a customers house and ended up getting all four tires replaced. But good news, two Mondays ago, (July 21,2008) we ended trading in our 2004 Dodge Grand Caravan for a brand-new 2008 Grand Caravan. I have been so happy with it. It is so beautiful and it has a DVD Player for the boys, which they love and it also has the GIG entertainment system in it with Sirius satellite radio free for one year. I have found an awesome 80's station that I love, it brings back memories, lets just say that. I am going to take some pictures of the van and post them soon. Plus, we got a really good deal on the van and now we don't have any car troubles, YEAH!
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