Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Blogs are the best!!!

When blogs first came out, I didn't know what they were about or even what they were used for and then I found out by accident when my dear friend in Utah started one and she emailed me the address. I loved the idea that you could let your friends and family that are sooooo far away or maybe even close by keep an eye on the happenings of your family. Me, being a very into my friends and family kind of person, finally decided I should start a blog and I am so glad that I did. I have also found old friends and now can keep in touch with them by blogging, I LOVE IT!!!!!! Life can get so hectic at times and for me I am glad that blogging is my outlet to de-stress. It has been so good for me. My dear friend that I mentioned above has two adorable twins and I wish Utah and Virginia where closer or next to each other would be even better but they are not so seeing these two adorable babies through their mommies blog has been wonderful. (G, keep the pics and videos coming :) Lastly, I just wanted to say that I love my friends and family, old and new, very much and am so grateful for them.

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