Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Car troubles!!!!!!!!!!

Blogs are the best!!!
Chesterfield's own-Smithfield the Pig

Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Cake and Ice cream!
Christopher blowing out his candles, I love this picture with his cheeks all puffed out. I call that perfect timing.
This picture says "I can't believe my boy is four", all over it.
More birthday party pics!

My brother has worked every weekend for a very LONG time and he finally isn't anymore so then he could come to the party and this is what he does. I feel the LOVE, let me tell you.
This game was red light, green light, they really had fun running.
Nanny and Papa are so awesome, they found this at Harbor Freight and got it for him when we were all down in NC for the Reunion. Notice the red and black chalk box thingy, he decided to unroll the whole thing the other day and I spent two hours untangling a huge mess, let me just tell you, I was not a happy momma after that.

My baby turned 4!!!!!!!

The kids wore hard hats, tools pouches, and goggles, and at each of the four games they won a tool to put in their pouch.

Monday night softball adventure!

Christopher kept doing it so my 19 month old thought he was big enough to do it too. This was only once of many times that he zoomed down the hill and of course mommy had to bring the bike back up the hill everytime and if I didn't he would cry and scream. Way to funny!
Some of the time he would make it all the way to the fence.
The safety day at the Mall!

My boys posing in front of the truck, Christopher is kind of hiding, I don't know what was wrong with him that day.