Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Halloween Fun 2009 at

Disney On Ice 2009 at

Bryson being a race car!!!!!

Randy decided to make a video of Bryson running around between the living room and kitchen, full speed ahead!!!!!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

1st Day of Kindergarten!!!!!!!

Since I was very sick with pregnancy, I couldn't go out to the bus so these pictures will have to make do. I can't believe that he is old enough to be in school or that I am old enough to have a school-age child. His teacher's name is Mrs. Parr and she is really nice. We like her alot.
What a big boy he is!!!!!

Ready to go get on the bus and start his school career!!!!! I cried my eyes out after he was gone!!!!!!!

Finally writing his name, YEAH!!!!!!!!

I cannot tell you how LONG I have fought with him to write his name and do it all by himself without any help and he finally did!!!!!!

And we worked on his middle and last name and he did that too!!!!!

I was so proud of him!!!!!

Bryson feeling a little left out with all this school stuff!!!!!!

Can I just say how much I LOVE this kid!!!!!! He is definitely my comic relief, that is for sure!!!! He was feeling so left out b/c of all the pictures we were taking of Christopher, he wanted in on the action too!!!!!!!

What a great dollar store find and, boy, have we gotten our moneys worth out of it!!!!!
Another one of his silly looks!!!!!!

I love this picture, he looks so grown-up in it!!!!!!

Christopher's 1st day of Summer School!!!!!!!

Our county offers a summer school class for rising kindergarteners to prepare them for school in the fall and since he had no formal preschool, I thought this would be just perfect for him and it was!!!!! He loved it! It was only 5 weeks long and half a day.

Here he is all ready for school like a big boy!!!!
Getting ready to go to school!!!!!! Love the great smile!!!!!!!

Christopher turns 5!!!!!

Christopher's birthday was July 1st and we had a very fun birthday party for him, even though I was sick!!!! We had it at the local fire department and boy was it fun!!!!! The firefighters were so sweet and kind and loved having us there as much as we loved being there!!!!!!
This is of Christopher, Tyson, and his cousin Mollie, and of course the firefighter. They let them get on the fire trucks and look around and boy, did they have fun!!!!

Mollie & Christopher posing for a picture!!!!!

Bryson & Christopher-Best Buddies forever!!!!!

Todd the firefighter & Christopher! He put on all his equipment to show the kids.

The kids with another firefighter in the ambulance. Audrey wasn't so sure about sitting on the stretcher.

Back in the kitchen, opening presents!!! YEAH for birthdays!!!!

Daddy made this cake for him and did a GREAT job!!!!!

Blowing out his candles!!!!

I love that smile, I can't believe my baby is 5 years old already, where has all the time gone?!?!?!?

I must of NOT pushed my easy button!!!!!!

Well, I want to apologize for not posting anything for months on end first off!!!!! Secondly, I wanted to say that most of you already know but we are expecting and I have been VERY VERY sick to say the least. In early pregnancy, in a 5 week time period, I had lost 21 pounds. Overall, I have been hospitalized 3 times and have been to the ER about 14 times or so. I have had to 2 picc lines, the first one got infected so they had to put a new one in. All this b/c I had for the 2nd time, a disease that some pregnant women can get that is called Hypermemosis, basically in a nut shell it is SEVERE nausea and vomiting with no relief in sight!!!!!! There are many days that you feel like you are going to DIE!!!!!! So b/c of this, this will be our last child!!!! When I have my c-section, Dr. Smith will tie my tubes!!!!!! I am VERY okay with that though b/c we are having a GIRL and I know my family will be complete then. Plus, I am 33 and I just don't see myself having kids after I am 35. Her name will be Ava Grace which I just love!!!!

My Great Grandma's name was Ada and I have a cousin on that same side of the family whos name is Eva, so I am mushing the names together to come up with Ava. And as for Grace, my Great Aunt Lady's real name is Eleanor Grace, so Grace will be her middle name after her. I decided to kept it all in the Bradshaw family. Aunt Lady is Great Grandma Ada's daughter and Eva is her granddaughter. Plus, she will have to have an "A" name b/c Christopher is "C" and Bryson is "B", so it was only fitting for my last child to have an "A" name for C, B, A.

This is little Ava Grace on 4D Ultrasound back on October 12th. It just amazes me the technology that we have this day and age. My sister said that she has "Angelina Jolie" lips, I would have to agree with her!!!!!! I can't wait to kiss them when she is born. As for when she will be here well that day is soon approaching. January 11th, 2010, she will make her appearance into this world. So her birthday will be 01-11-10, so cool, I think!!!!!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Boys and a Friend!

I took this picture this morning of my 2 and a friends little boy named, William. His parents went to the Temple so I watched him for them. My 2 were entranced with the TV and William was watching me mess with my camera. Too cute!!!!

The Messiest Art Student Ever!!!!!!!

The boys take an art class on Tuesday mornings at a local Community Center and here is the results of the class they attended last week. He had paint everywhere, infact there was paint where paint should not be!!!!!!! But he had a great time and that is all that matters.

I guess he was trying to get it off his hands, I am not sure, but if you notice his shirt down at the bottom on the side, yeah, by the way, that did not come off , darn paint!!!!!

Mother's Day with Uncle Malcolm!!!!!!

Randy's Uncle is getting ready to go to Iraq and we will miss him dearly so we had the opportunity to spend the day with him on Mother's Day. We hope for his save return in 6 months. Uncle Malcolm we love you very much and will remember you in our thoughts and prayers always!!!!!

Jamestown at last!!!!!!

After the awesome ferry ride, we arrived in Jamestown. Because of the 400 year celebration last year of Jamestown, they have really changed things quite a bit. There was a brand-new building and a HUGE museum that would take hours to go through. We went through a small part of it and saw an exihibit about Pocahontas. The neat thing about this is that Randy is related to her 16 generations back, she is his 16th great-grandma. Isn't family history neat???

There was a flag for each state represented in the parking lot, which I thought was really neat.

At the start of the flags was this wonderful waterfall, but of course I had some very tired and uncooperative boys on my hands.

For those of you who have never been to Jamestown, they have an English village, and Indian village and the 3 ships that successfully made it to Jamestown. This is part of the English village, I think this was the Governor's home.

This was a church but being there that day we found out that they did not come here for religious freedom, their voyage was taken merely for trying to find goods and services in which they could take back and make money with.

The guys at the puplit giving the best surmon of their life's.

Bryson is trying to figure out what in the heck is on his head!!!

Oh, isn't that the cutiest little Englishman you have ever seen????

Why that is the 2 cutiest Englishmen I have ever seen!!!!!!!

I cannot remember to save my life the names of these ships but we got to go on all three and they were all really neat.

This is the same one from up above but the pic is a little dark so I put this one on here too.

There is Randy and the boys getting on the ship!

This was the last ship!

This was their voyage from England to America, these 3 ships were the first vessels that successfully made it to the new land.

The James River Ferry!!!!

Because of Randy's work situation being so crazy, we decided to get the heck out of dodge one day he didn't work and go down to Jamestown. We road the ferry over to Jamestown, which is always neat. I can't tell you how times in my life I have been on the Jamestown Ferry, I am sure a ton, but everytime it is still fun and exciting. For my boys, Christopher LOVED it and Bryson thought it was okay at first but started hating it at the end, he wanted to go get back in the car. Giselle, do you remember when you were back here, I took you and Alex on it, and we drove the car right on it and it takes you on a 30 minute ride across the river. I also remember we went on it 2x because we went the wrong way down to the ferry.

Daddy with his boys!!!!

Mommy and Christopher, Bryson was to worried about watching the seagull in the pic below to take a pic with us!!!

Crazy seagull, Bryson was entranced with him!

Here was the other ferry going back the way we came, if you look closely you can see vehicles on it.

Easter Sunday Afternoon @ Grandma's & Grandpa's!!!!!!

Christopher & Bryson with their cousin Mollie and Issac (My sister-in-law's grandson)

The boys just goofing off, being themselves!!!! Why Bryson has a stick in his mouth and a frisbee on his head, I do not know!!!!!

Easter Bunny Cake!!!!!

Pretty much every year when I was growing up for easter we would make an easter bunny cake just like this. So of course, I want to pass that tradition down to my own children that was started so long ago with me. We took the cake down to Randy's parents house for a cook-out on Easter Sunday. Everyone loved it!!!!

Not only did it looked great but it tasted good too!!!!

The Easter Bunny came to our house!!!!!!!

We did something new this year that I think we will keep doing every year because I thought it worked out really good. The Easter Bunny came to our house on Saturday morning instead of the normal Sunday morning. My reasoning behind this idea was that I knew the rest of Saturday we were going to be super busy with a baby shower and a wedding reception and on Sunday mornings Randy had to be church at 6:30 AM so we that wasn't an option either.

The boys waiting patiently to find their easter baskets and the eggs that the Easter Bunny hid. They were both super excited!!!!!

Bryson cheesing for the camera after he found all the loot the Easter Bunny left him!!!!!

Christopher doing the same!!!!

Man, the boys must of been really good to get all that stuff!!!!!

I told Randy to get behind them so I could take a pic of the 3 of them and this is all he gives me-- an extremely serious face!!!!

So after I fussed at him, he decided to smile and hug his boys!!!!!

Christopher got this really cool book that opens up to make a garage. It also comes with paper people and vehicles, plus some stickers. I love Ollie's, I found this there for $3.99. I will pay that any day for my little boys happiness. I LOVE Ollie's book section, you could literally get lost in it.

Still playing with it, Bryson got the truck at the top of the pic, that was only $4.99, and was regularly priced @ $25. What a deal!!!!! Plus, the Incredible Hulk t-shirts they got, I got on
clearance at Wal-mart for $3 a piece. Sweet!!!! I love good deals!