Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Bryson being a race car!!!!!
Randy decided to make a video of Bryson running around between the living room and kitchen, full speed ahead!!!!!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
1st Day of Kindergarten!!!!!!!

Finally writing his name, YEAH!!!!!!!!

And we worked on his middle and last name and he did that too!!!!!

Bryson feeling a little left out with all this school stuff!!!!!!

I love this picture, he looks so grown-up in it!!!!!!
Christopher's 1st day of Summer School!!!!!!!

Christopher turns 5!!!!!

I must of NOT pushed my easy button!!!!!!

This is little Ava Grace on 4D Ultrasound back on October 12th. It just amazes me the technology that we have this day and age. My sister said that she has "Angelina Jolie" lips, I would have to agree with her!!!!!! I can't wait to kiss them when she is born. As for when she will be here well that day is soon approaching. January 11th, 2010, she will make her appearance into this world. So her birthday will be 01-11-10, so cool, I think!!!!!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
The Messiest Art Student Ever!!!!!!!

Jamestown at last!!!!!!

There was a flag for each state represented in the parking lot, which I thought was really neat.

At the start of the flags was this wonderful waterfall, but of course I had some very tired and uncooperative boys on my hands.

This was a church but being there that day we found out that they did not come here for religious freedom, their voyage was taken merely for trying to find goods and services in which they could take back and make money with.

The guys at the puplit giving the best surmon of their life's.

This is the same one from up above but the pic is a little dark so I put this one on here too.

The James River Ferry!!!!
Daddy with his boys!!!!
Mommy and Christopher, Bryson was to worried about watching the seagull in the pic below to take a pic with us!!!

Crazy seagull, Bryson was entranced with him!

Here was the other ferry going back the way we came, if you look closely you can see vehicles on it.
Easter Sunday Afternoon @ Grandma's & Grandpa's!!!!!!

Easter Bunny Cake!!!!!

Not only did it looked great but it tasted good too!!!!
The Easter Bunny came to our house!!!!!!!

Man, the boys must of been really good to get all that stuff!!!!!

clearance at Wal-mart for $3 a piece. Sweet!!!! I love good deals!