Well, I want to apologize for not posting anything for months on end first off!!!!! Secondly, I wanted to say that most of you already know but we are expecting and I have been VERY VERY sick to say the least. In early pregnancy, in a 5 week time period, I had lost 21 pounds. Overall, I have been hospitalized 3 times and have been to the ER about 14 times or so. I have had to 2 picc lines, the first one got infected so they had to put a new one in. All this b/c I had for the 2nd time, a disease that some pregnant women can get that is called Hypermemosis, basically in a nut shell it is SEVERE nausea and vomiting with no relief in sight!!!!!! There are many days that you feel like you are going to DIE!!!!!! So b/c of this, this will be our last child!!!! When I have my c-section, Dr. Smith will tie my tubes!!!!!! I am VERY okay with that though b/c we are having a GIRL and I know my family will be complete then. Plus, I am 33 and I just don't see myself having kids after I am 35. Her name will be Ava Grace which I just love!!!!
My Great Grandma's name was Ada and I have a cousin on that same side of the family whos name is Eva, so I am mushing the names together to come up with Ava. And as for Grace, my Great Aunt Lady's real name is Eleanor Grace, so Grace will be her middle name after her. I decided to kept it all in the Bradshaw family. Aunt Lady is Great Grandma Ada's daughter and Eva is her granddaughter. Plus, she will have to have an "A" name b/c Christopher is "C" and Bryson is "B", so it was only fitting for my last child to have an "A" name for C, B, A.

This is little Ava Grace on 4D Ultrasound back on October 12th. It just amazes me the technology that we have this day and age. My sister said that she has "Angelina Jolie" lips, I would have to agree with her!!!!!! I can't wait to kiss them when she is born. As for when she will be here well that day is soon approaching. January 11th, 2010, she will make her appearance into this world. So her birthday will be 01-11-10, so cool, I think!!!!!
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