After the awesome ferry ride, we arrived in Jamestown. Because of the 400 year celebration last year of Jamestown, they have really changed things quite a bit. There was a brand-new building and a HUGE museum that would take hours to go through. We went through a small part of it and saw an exihibit about Pocahontas. The neat thing about this is that Randy is related to her 16 generations back, she is his 16th great-grandma. Isn't family history neat???

There was a flag for each state represented in the parking lot, which I thought was really neat.

At the start of the flags was this wonderful waterfall, but of course I had some very tired and uncooperative boys on my hands.

For those of you who have never been to Jamestown, they have an English village, and Indian village and the 3 ships that successfully made it to Jamestown. This is part of the English village, I think this was the Governor's home.

This was a church but being there that day we found out that they did not come here for religious freedom, their voyage was taken merely for trying to find goods and services in which they could take back and make money with.

The guys at the puplit giving the best surmon of their life's.

Oh, isn't that the cutiest little Englishman you have ever seen????

This is the same one from up above but the pic is a little dark so I put this one on here too.

There is Randy and the boys getting on the ship!
This was the last ship!
This was their voyage from England to America, these 3 ships were the first vessels that successfully made it to the new land.

1 comment:
Whoa! You weren't kidding about catching up on the blog! Way to go. Fun posts and cute new family picture at the top.
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