Right after she was born, she started having some breathing issues. She was breathing too fast and it was pretty labored. So after about a few hours in the nursery, they decided to put her in the NICU. So that meant that she was not able to come into my room the whole time I was in the hospital. They told us that once she was in the NICU she would be in there until she was ready to come home and would be discharged from there. So, I was pretty sad but I knew that she was in very good hands b.c the NICU at the hospital I was at was one of the best and I was very grateful for that. So, that meant that I had to go and see her and recovering from a c-section, amongst all the pain, it was worth it to see my little angel!!!!
This was the first time holding her!!! I was and still am in love!!!!

All the tubes were annoying but I knew they were temporary!!!

Who couldn't love that face!!!!

Daddy holding his baby girl for the first time!!!!!

So happy!!!!!

He even has his "World's Greatest Dad" Shirt on to prove it!!!!

Sad pic, they had to put an IV in her forehead, OUCH!!!! I really HATED it!!!!!

Love me some baby girl!!!!!

A face only a mother could love!!!!!

She had to tan for a few days, jaundice.

No more tubes, she was finally breathing on her own, YAY!!!!! Prayers are answered!!!!

Happy momma, tired of going back and forth to the hospital though, she will be home soon is all I could say to keep myself motivated!!!!!

IV out of her forehead, YAY!!!! Look at that adorable face, I could kiss it forever and ever!!!!!

Adorable hat, we got to keep it, funny thing is it doesn't even fit her head anymore, sad!!!!

We love the no tube thing!!!!!

So sweet, a cherub from above!!!

Getting close to going home finally, she can't wait to meet her big brothers!!!!! And see her adorable room that her Daddy painted just for her!!!!

Finally able to go home, YAY, we were thrilled beyond belief, no more tubes at all!!!!! NICU it was great while it lasted but it is time to go!!!
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