Saturday, May 16, 2009
The Messiest Art Student Ever!!!!!!!
I guess he was trying to get it off his hands, I am not sure, but if you notice his shirt down at the bottom on the side, yeah, by the way, that did not come off , darn paint!!!!!
Jamestown at last!!!!!!
There was a flag for each state represented in the parking lot, which I thought was really neat.
At the start of the flags was this wonderful waterfall, but of course I had some very tired and uncooperative boys on my hands.
This was a church but being there that day we found out that they did not come here for religious freedom, their voyage was taken merely for trying to find goods and services in which they could take back and make money with.
The guys at the puplit giving the best surmon of their life's.
Why that is the 2 cutiest Englishmen I have ever seen!!!!!!!
I cannot remember to save my life the names of these ships but we got to go on all three and they were all really neat.
This is the same one from up above but the pic is a little dark so I put this one on here too.
This was the last ship!
This was their voyage from England to America, these 3 ships were the first vessels that successfully made it to the new land.
The James River Ferry!!!!
Daddy with his boys!!!!
Mommy and Christopher, Bryson was to worried about watching the seagull in the pic below to take a pic with us!!!
Crazy seagull, Bryson was entranced with him!
Here was the other ferry going back the way we came, if you look closely you can see vehicles on it.
Easter Sunday Afternoon @ Grandma's & Grandpa's!!!!!!
The boys just goofing off, being themselves!!!! Why Bryson has a stick in his mouth and a frisbee on his head, I do not know!!!!!
Easter Bunny Cake!!!!!
Not only did it looked great but it tasted good too!!!!
The Easter Bunny came to our house!!!!!!!
The boys waiting patiently to find their easter baskets and the eggs that the Easter Bunny hid. They were both super excited!!!!!
Bryson cheesing for the camera after he found all the loot the Easter Bunny left him!!!!!
Man, the boys must of been really good to get all that stuff!!!!!
Christopher got this really cool book that opens up to make a garage. It also comes with paper people and vehicles, plus some stickers. I love Ollie's, I found this there for $3.99. I will pay that any day for my little boys happiness. I LOVE Ollie's book section, you could literally get lost in it.
clearance at Wal-mart for $3 a piece. Sweet!!!! I love good deals!
Dying Easter Eggs!!!!!
Christopher is an old pro at dying easter eggs now, he loves it!!!!
This was Bryson's first year really knowing what he was doing, he a great time and had fun too!!!!
The finished product almost, we did put stickers on them, but I must not of gotten a pic of that!!!!
Playgroup Easter Egg Hunt!!!!
Oh, there they are coming out of hiding!!!!!
Still waiting with the buckets over their heads!!!!!
More waiting while they are given directions!
I love their happy faces after they found the eggs, what great smiles!!!!!
Mommy & her boys checking out all their loot from the easter egg hunt!!!!!
Easter Egg Hunt at the Bensley Community Center
Bryson eagerly awaiting for the easter egg hunt to start!!!!!
Bryson and Mommy trying to find easter eggs!!!!!
After a very uneventful hunt, the boys were able to go on the tractor barrel ride, they loved it!!!!!
This is a good friend of ours, Miguel, his Mom and him met us there, he had fun too!!!!