March 21st was Randy's birthday and I had not gotten him anything because we had purchased a Wii and some other things in the past couple of months so he told me that would be for his birthday. Well we dropped Christopher off at a birthday party and had to go to Wal-mart to get some stuff and there was a lady out in front that had a box that said "free puppies". So we were intrigued and walked over to the box to see if she had anymore, she had one left and we snagged him right up. (Now, I am not sure why I agreed to get a puppy but I thought it would be a great gift for Randy and plus the puppy laid in the cart right on Bryson's lap and fell hard and fast asleep.) Well, we are now dealing with a 7 week old puppy as best as we can. The only I am SICK of is when he uses the bathroom in the house and nips at the kids but puppies do that. So I will be glad when he gets potty trained and stops nipping. Other than that he is a really great dog and the boys LOVE him. Well, why we were there a friend of mine, who's daughter takes art with my boys was there with her oldest selling girl scout cookies, she came over and saw us holding the puppy and she actually helped me name him. I was telling her about my parents new puppy and about how they wanted to name her Dora but my sister said no way, well, she said wouldn't that be cute--Dora and Diego. Well, I was hooked after that, I loved it, he is Diego even though my parents puppy will not be Dora. And in a funny way, with his coloring, he looks like Diego. My other sister calls him, Go Diego Go!!!!!!!

1 comment:
Awe, cute little Diego. How exciting to have a little puppy. I'm glad that I looked at your blog. Lots of good posts. Good work Crystal!
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