Christopher's birthday was July 1st and we had a very fun birthday party for him, even though I was sick!!!! We had it at the local fire department and boy was it fun!!!!! The firefighters were so sweet and kind and loved having us there as much as we loved being there!!!!!!
This is of Christopher, Tyson, and his cousin Mollie, and of course the firefighter. They let them get on the fire trucks and look around and boy, did they have fun!!!!
Bryson & Christopher-Best Buddies forever!!!!!
Todd the firefighter & Christopher! He put on all his equipment to show the kids.
The kids with another firefighter in the ambulance. Audrey wasn't so sure about sitting on the stretcher.
Back in the kitchen, opening presents!!! YEAH for birthdays!!!!
Daddy made this cake for him and did a GREAT job!!!!!
Blowing out his candles!!!!
Mollie & Christopher posing for a picture!!!!!
Bryson & Christopher-Best Buddies forever!!!!!
Back in the kitchen, opening presents!!! YEAH for birthdays!!!!
Daddy made this cake for him and did a GREAT job!!!!!
Blowing out his candles!!!!
I love that smile, I can't believe my baby is 5 years old already, where has all the time gone?!?!?!?
That cake is amazing!
Great looking birthday party! We were so sad that we missed it! It was completely my fault too! Boo for me! The cake is awesome!
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