Monday, March 30, 2009

Monster Truck Show!!!!!!

Let me take you back in time a moment: While I was laying on the ultrasound table at my OB about 5 years ago and Randy sitting by my side, the second the technician muttered the words, "It's a boy!!!!", I could see the wheels turning in his head of all the AWESOME things he could do in the future because of this little bundle of joy growing inside of me. And now this is probably the start of a long tradition of monster truck shows. My boys LOVED it!!!!!!! Hope you enjoy the pics as much as we loved the real thing.
Oh, and yes, it was VERY loud, Randy had to run down to the concessions and get these ear covers and he even bought me some ear plugs, thank goodness!!!!!

This was Christopher's favorite truck, it was called Backdraft.

My silly boy, I was lucky to get this pic, he was so entranced with everything.

This was Bryson's favorite truck, its name is Monster Mutt. Its ears and tall were floppy and its tongue would go in and out while in motion. Bryson would say "bye-bye doggie", everytime it left the arena.

It competed against Gravedigger, which was also really cool to see.

I don't remember what the name of this truck is but I thought its jump was way cool.

Totally airborn!!!!!!

At the end, all the trucks had a turn to freestyle, almost all them at the end of their time made doughnuts.

As you can see, the trucks tore the arena up with all the doughnuts that were made.

An Awesome Playgroup!!!!!

This playgroup was one of the best that we have had in a long time. The mom that hosted this playgroup had a wonderful idea of having it be her daughter's 3rd birthday party. She borrowed a bunch of different kitchen sets from friends and even one of the sets came from our doctor's office believe it or not. The sets were all lined up around the gym and the kids had a wonderful time playing with them. Then she prepared lunch for all the kids and had cupcakes for them too. I know my boys had a wonderful time!!!!!!!!!
All the kids eating lunch.
Christopher with his best buddy ever, Avery!!!!!
Funny story--Last year when he was in Sunbeams, one Sunday, Avery wasn't there and Christopher was so upset by it that he refused to go into Primary for the longest time. He finally calmed down and went but not with out a lot of convincing on my end.

My great big smiley boy sitting next to the birthday girl, Emma!

This is my little buddy, William, he is a great kid, I love him!

Would ya for a penny, would for a dime, would ya, would ya, would ya, be my Valentine!?!?!?!?!

My hubby is awesome, he stayed up late the night before and made me a cake!!!!!!

And on top of all that he bought me these gorgeous tulips (to bad they died already :( )!!!!!

The color of the tulips were truly amazing!!!!!!! He also bought me a chocolates and a stuffed monkey that is soooo cute but I didn't get a pic of it. He really spoiled me on V-day, I felt extremely loved!!!!!!!

Crazy Squirrel!!!!!!

The boys and were home one lovely day and watched a squirrel take a whole roll off of our deck (I had thrown them out for the birds and squirrels a couple days before) climb up the tree with it in his mouth and then went out on a very small tree limb and then jumped to another very small tree limb with it still in his mouth. Needless to say, the boys and I thought it was very funny and too cool to see such a sight.

Random silly pics of the boys from the last 3 months!!!!!!

My silly boy being himself!!!!!
More of the silly boy!!!!! Thanks Nanny for the kazoos,
even Bryson knows how to make music with it.

Bryson's trademark smile and Christopher's fish face, gotta love it!!!!!!

My Mickey Mouse addict!!!!
Gotta love free stickers that came in the mail.
He was hooked and wanted them all.

Silly boy #2!!!!! He insisted that he wear his brothers bike helmet and elbow and knee pads, or yes, and we can't forget the gloves. Crazy boy!!!!